My View
The press is not free, never was and never will be: it is subjective, ideological and always takes its side. It is supposedly defending the "Good" and attacks everything else by transforming it into the "Evil" reincarnated.
The only press that is truly sincere with its readers is the press from extremist movements. Their only merit would be not to act in the shadow and show its face and meanings from the beginning. We perfectly know who they are and what they think.
But this, is not the case for the vast majority of all the others Media who constantly are playing with this notion of Good and Bad, Right and Wrong, Evil and Pure. From Right to Left / Democrats to Republicans, they all are doing the propaganda for the dominant ideology by pretending to sell the truth via indisputable economical arguments.
These Media are directly participating to the autocratically organisation of liberalism, so that the markets will decide for the people and their future: Europe is only but an example. Since the Maastricht treaty (1992), liberalism is for Europe what Marxism-Leninism was to the USSR: a unique horizon, unbreakable, to realise its "wonderful" and "happy" future constituted of its new inhabitant: the cosmopolitan, polyglot, rich, consumerist...
Whoever will refuse this program will directly be characterised as a hateful fascist, nationalist, racist, retarded, under-graduated, KKK member...
By acting this way, the press is only increasing the size of these extremist movements and their consequences: the Brexit or the election of Donald Trump, that she despises so much. At the same time, it is being hated by these exact same people who are now annoyed by this constant propaganda for a system that only benefits the one on top of it, and puts them on the side, as simple witnesses of this whole process.
Medias, are therefore a power, without counter-power. Except for their impact on the social media sphere which, sadly, represents the modern problems of communication in our society by only speaking anonymously, hidden from all, that too often can show the best and the worst.
My question is the following: Why is the Media majority Liberal when it is supposed to be objective, especially when it is personally funded and helped by States themselves?
The only answer is because Money Makes the Law. The loyal citizen contributes with his own money for this Press, but does not have any words to say about it. He is only seen as a return of investment by the advertiser and his publicity. He is another simple consumerist that should be convinced to buy this good sell in this publicity.
Although this video is slightly different from the main subject treated here, it shows the limits of our freedom of speech in our supposedly democratic states, it is however thanks to website like or people like Edward Snowden that this freedom is guaranteed and the information, still free.
"Since the Maastricht treaty (1992), liberalism is for Europe what Marxism-Leninism was to the USSR: a unique horizon, unbreakable, to realise its "wonderful" and "happy" future constituted of its new inhabitant: the cosmopolitan, polyglot, rich, consumerist...
RépondreSupprimerWhoever will refuse this program will directly be characterised as a hateful fascist, nationalist, racist, retarded, under-graduated, KKK member..."
I absolutely love this part in your article. I cannot agree more. I enjoyed the reading of your blog, it was really on point.
Thank you for your comment!
SupprimerI am impressed by the detached view and by the amount of information you have put in this blog. I could see how interested and informed you are in this area. Hands down, great job!!!