III. a) What the Experts say: Challenge of private Broadcasting in Nigeria
Democratization and the challenge of private broadcasting in Nigeria:
This paper is a scholar essay made by the Michigan State University regarding the challenge of privatisation in a country such as Nigeria.
The interesting aspect with this essay is that all the action is happening in Nigeria, a country currently in development, who went through a lot of political instabilities and changes. This political instability, coming from a previous military dictatorship, also explains their intentions of wanting a free independent Media for their people, that can not be influenced by any political party or institutions.
The fact that the country is still in development also is a very important aspect as it means that people do not have as many accesses to sources of information as western people do. Therefore, having at least one reliable source that gives clear informations about what is happening in their country is a priority to make of their country a developed one.
A very important phrase situated at the conclusion of this essay is "the interests of the nation first before any other", showing, that by making private the media institutions of the country, the goal is still to put the interests of the nation first before any others.
This knowledge about the privatisation dilemma in current developing countries allows us to better understand the situations that might occur in our own country and how did they arrive to the way they are today and why is it so.
Link to the article: http://pdfproc.lib.msu.edu/?file=/DMC/African%20Journals/pdfs/africa%20media%20review/vol8no1/jamr008001009.pdf
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