III. b) What the experts say: The Media in post-communist Europe
The Media and Democratic Consolidation in Post-Communist Eastern Europe:
This article is an essay written by Svetlozar A. Andreev, University of Westminster. Its main subject is about Eastern Europe in its post-communist era and the importance for it to establish an independent and viable source of information.
Similarly to the situation in Nigeria, Eastern Europe went from a dictatorship to a democracy. Therefore, during this transition from executive to legislative power, it is essential for a country to create a viable and trustworthy media. In the introduction of this essay, it is rightfully said that "media has been quite influential in determining the type of political regime" which explains the urge for newly created democracy to establish these independent media, especially as "the importance not only of broadcast but also of printed media has been
growing continuously"and therefore influences even more people than before.
Although the country changed its ideology, it is important to first control the media and orientate it in a way that will not harm the country or its integrity, but in the contrary, that will promote nationalistic feelings towards its inhabitant so that they have the feeling to belong to a community, a country.
Link to the article: https://ecpr.eu/Filestore/PaperProposal/6fc3b724-4a52-4ef3-b2c3-952368c5befe.pdf
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