For Further Research

The interesting Webpages to get your sources of information are the main one, such as BBC, CNN... but also the others going against these, having a conflictual and opposite view.
Especially in an actuality where the relations between Russia and the U.S. are in the middle of the attention, it is essential to get informations from both parts. The reason why, is that it is always important to see how a minority can think to better understand how the majority will react and look at a situation in its integrity, not simply judging based on partial informations.

The other website I recommend is a supposedly "free and independent media" to counter attack the Mass Media who have an interest to "cultivate stupidity" (Onfray, 2016). This third source of information is interesting as it looks at the actuality in a philosophical point of view. It exists thanks to the contribution made by its reader, and is therefore not influenced by any corporations or industries.
It also reinforce this notion of getting your information from a source different from the others and not having the simplest way of thinking by stating that such a thing is bad and another, good.

List of the websites: or or
